The three dragons flew high together, so spectacular that even the mage was dumbfounded.
I hope they can resist cleo Straz, but I’m afraid that’s not the case. He looked at the tiny figure beside him and asked, What do you say, Ronin? Are you willing to do as they tell you?
It’s Vanessa that’s enough to get him to accept the plan. Okay.
At this time, the battle that belonged to Tyrann had already ended, and now his life was about to run out. Death Wing grabbed the seriously injured dragon high and roared to celebrate his victory. Blood was still seeping from the deep wounds in Tyrann’s chest and abdomen, and his claws also left scorching marks, that is, the price of acid and poison from the fire lines that touched the black dragon’s body. No one in Death Wing’s opponents could be lucky.
The black dragon roared again, throwing away the lifeless dragon’s body and letting it fall. In doing so, he did the old red dragon a favor. He had to drag his sick body to survive. Wouldn’t it be more painful? Although the strength of the two sides in this battle was far from equal, he got a glorious death.
At this time, Death Wing made a deafening roar for the third time. He wanted everyone to know that he was the overlord, but in response, he came to the west to roar.
How dare a fool stop me? He grunted coldly.
Before long, a fool, Death Wing, soon found them. There were more than three fools, and they were not just three ordinary fools.
Yi Sela, he greeted each other coldly and returned Nozdom to my good friend Marigos.
It’s time to end your madness. Come on, brother, the Green Dragon said quietly.
I was never your brother Yi Sela. Open your eyes and face the reality. Now no one can stop me from creating this new era that belongs to our race.
You just want an era of dictatorship by yourself.
The black dragon nodded slightly, which seems to me to be almost the same thing. You’d better go back to sleep and give it back to you. Nozdom is finally willing to pull his head out of the sand. Don’t you remember who is the strongest here? Even the three of you together can’t beat me.
It’s time for you to die, growled the golden dragon. At the same time, his jewel-like eyes shine brightly. Come on, be my hiding place.
Deathwing took a breath of disdain. What about you, Marigos? Don’t you have anything to say to your old friend?
Answer the cold blue dragon opened his huge mouth, and an ice shot from it accurately brushed the body of the death wing. However, as soon as the ice particles touched the terrible dragon, they became millions of small crab-like parasites. These worms desperately tried to tear off the scales and flesh of the host.
Death wing snorted an acid solution and sprayed it from the lux lines on his body. In an instant, Malygos released the insects, and almost all of them died.
The black dragon skillfully pawed one of the worms and swallowed it in one bite. He smiled at several enemies in front of him and showed a row of sharp teeth. Since this is the case, your field should be like this worm.
He let out a loud roar and threw himself at his opponent.
They can’t beat him, cleo Straz said angrily. He Ronin is slowly approaching. They can’t beat the attacked orc convoy.
Then why do they have to die?
Because they know it’s time for one last fight, regardless of the knot, they would rather leave this world than see it die painfully under the cruel rule of Death Wing.
Can’t we help them?
The red dragon answered the question in silence.
Ronin looked ahead at the orcs, thinking about their own lives. Suppose he succeeded in taking the artifact from Nekros, how long can he take it? Besides, can he hold the artifact or not?
Crassus, cleo, Straz, that disk contains the power of the dragons, right?
That’s right, except death wing power. That’s why the artifact power method binds him.
But can’t he have cast some spells on the face because of other dragons?
Is the red dragon replied.
Do you know what that disc can do?
Many things, but one can directly or indirectly affect the death wing.
Ronin frowned. How is that possible?
My friend, how long have you been exposed to magic?
The mage’s expression suddenly becomes very different. Otherwise, magic is the most contradictory among skills, and it follows certain laws. However, these laws often change me in extreme cases.
Dragon aspects are determined to fight to the death, Ronin. You can recapture the devil’s soul. Not only can you make my queen regain her freedom, but she will definitely help them, and you can also get the money to eventually destroy the remnants of those tribes. If you can properly kill the devil’s soul, then it will surely enable you to do many incredible things.
He never thought of doing this before, but he knew that such an artifact could definitely be used against orcs, but I’m afraid it would take a while.
Beasts are teachers, and although I am not dragon aspects, I think I can teach you.
Before that, we can all live, the mage muttered
Yes, the key is right here. Obviously, dragons are listening. That orc is ready ahead.
Ronin was ready to fly because he was afraid of being attacked by the demon spirit. cleo Straz didn’t dare to fly too close, which meant that although the artifact was nearby, Ronin had to risk magic to get close to the orc commander. He had cast spells in fierce battles many times, but this time he was no longer full of confidence. The red dragon might be able to help a little, but I’m afraid he couldn’t spell as well as the mage in such a place close to the artifact.
get ready
Cleo Straz quickly lowered his flying altitude.
Ronin took a deep breath and quickly read the spell, then suddenly got into a car.

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